This document targets developers working on WebAnno.
Switch to the new annotation tool INCEpTION! It is like WebAnno but way more modern and with a ton of additional features and improvements. WebAnno has grown old and does not even run anymore on Java versions 16 and higher. In most cases you can simply export your projects from WebAnno, import them into INCEpTION and continue to work. So, don’t hesitate and give it a try! |
All sources files are stored using UNIX line endings. If you develop on Windows, you have to
set the core.autocrlf
configuration setting to input
to avoid accidentally submitting Windows
line endings to the repository. Using input
is a good strategy in most cases, thus you should
consider setting this as a global (add --global
) or even as a system (--system
) setting.
C:\> git config --global core.autocrlf input
After changing this setting, best do a fresh clone and check-out of the project.
Setting up the for development in Eclipse
This is a guide to setting up a development environment using Eclipse on Mac OS X. The procedure should be similar for other operation systems.
First, you need to follow some steps of the user [InstallationGuide installation guide]. It is recommended to configure a MySQL-server.
We recommend you start from a Eclipse IDE for Java Developers package.
Use a JDK
On Linux or OS X, the following setting is not necessary. Having a full JDK installed on your system is generally sufficient. You can skip on to the next section.
On Windows, you need to edit the eclipse.ini
file and directly before the -vmargs
line, you
have to add the following two lines. Mind to replace C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_144
with the actual
location of the JDK on your system. Without this, Eclipse will complain that the
artifact would be missing.
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_144/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll
Eclipse Plug-ins
Maven Integration: m2e , already comes pre-installed with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. If you use another edition of Eclipse which does not have m2e pre-installed, go to Help→Install New Software, select "--All available sites--" and choose Collaboration → m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
Apache UIMA tools: Update site:
Eclipse Web Development Tooling: go to Help→Install New Software, select "--All available sites--" and select the following plug-ins for installation from the section Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development:
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
JST Server Adapters
JST Server Adapters Extensions
JST Server UI
m2e-wtp - Maven Integration for WTP
WST Server Adapters
Eclipse Workspace Settings
You should check that Text file encoding is UTF-8 in Preferences → General → Workspace of your Eclipse install.
Importing WebAnno into the Workspace
Checkout out the WebAnno git repository with your favorite git client. If you use the command-line client, use the command
$ git clone
In Eclipse, go to File → Import, choose Existing Maven projects, and select the folder to which you have cloned WebAnno. Eclipse should automatically detect all modules.
Eclipse Tomcat Integration
Download Apache Tomcat from
(we’re using version 8.5). Then, you need to
add the Tomcat server to your runtime configuration. Go to preferences and go to
Servers → Runtime environments:
When prompted for an installation path, specify the folder where you extracted (or installed) Apache Tomcat v8.5 into.
Change the runtime configuration for the project. On the left side of the dialog, you should now be
able to select Apache Tomcat. Change its VM arguments and include the definition
to specify the home directory for the application. Also add
to enable the development mode.
This adds additional debugging features to the UI and disables UI caches.
Head to the servers pane. If you cannot locate it in your eclipse window, add it by going to Window → Show View → Other… and select Servers. Right click on Tomcat v8.5 localhost and click on Add and remove…:
WebAnno should now be configured to start with Tomcat.
In the Servers view, double-click on the Tomcat instance you have configured. Activate the checkbox Serve modules without publishing. Go to the Modules tab, select the WebAnno module and disable auto-reloading. After these changes, you will have to manually restart the Tomcat server in order for changes to Java class files to take effect. However, as a benefit, changes to HTML, CSS or JavaScript files take effect immediately and you just have to refresh the browser to see the changes.
Checkstyle and Formatting
We use a style for formatting the source code in WebAnno. Our approach consists of two steps:
DKPro code formatting profile - the profile configures your IDE to auto-format the code according to our guidelines as you go.
Checkstyle - this tool is used to check if the source code is actually formatted according to our guidelines. It is run as part of a Maven build and the build fails if the code is not formatted properly.
Here is a brief summary of the formatting rules:
* no tabs, only spaces
* indenting using 4 spaces in Java files and 2 spaces in XML files
* maximum 100 characters per line (with a few exceptions)
* curly braces on the next line for class/method declarations, same line for logic blocks (if/for/…)
* parameter names start with a
(e.g. void foo(String aValue)
First, obtain the DKPro code formatting profile from the DKPro website (Section "Code style"). In Eclipse, go to Preferences → Java → Code Style → Formatter to import the file. Apparently, the files can also be used with IntelliJ via the [Eclipse Code Formatter]( plugin.
The parameter prefix a needs to be configured manually. In Eclipse go to
Preferences → Java → Code Style set the prefix list column in the parameters row to a .
Second, install the Checkstyle plugin for Eclipse as well as the Maven Checkstyle plugin for Eclipse. These plugins make Eclipse automatically pick up the checkstyle configuration from the Maven project and highlight formatting problems directly in the source code editor.
Install Checkstyle Eclipse plugin from here:
Install the Checkstyle configuration plugin for M2Eclipse from here:
Select all WebAnno projects, right click and do a Maven → Update project
Should the steps mentioned above not have been sufficient, close all the WebAnno projects
in Eclipse, then remove them form the workspace (not from the disk), delete any .checkstyle files
in the WebAnno modules, and then re-import them into Eclipse again using Import→Existing Maven
projects. During the project import, the Checkstyle configuration plugin for M2Eclipse should
properly set up the .checkstyle files and activate checkstyle.
Annotation Schema
The layers mechanism allows supporting different types of annotation layers, e.g. span layers, relation layers or chain layers. It consists of the following classes and interfaces:
interface provides the API for implementing layer types. -
interface and its default implementationLayerSupportRegistryImpl
serve as an access point to the different supported layer types. -
class which represents a short summary of a supported layer type. It is used when selecting the type of a feature in the UI. -
interface provides methods to create, manipulate or delete annotations on the given type of layer.
To add support for a new type of layer, create a Spring component class which implements the
interface. Note that a single layer support class can handle multiple layer types.
However, it is generally recommended to implement a separate layer support for every layer type.
Implement the following methods:
to return a unique identifier for the new layer type. Typically the Spring bean name is returned here. -
to return a list of all the supported layer types handled by the new layer support. This values returned here are used to populate the layer type choice when creating a new layer in the project settings. -
to returntrue
for any annotation layer that is handled by the new layer support. I.e.AnnotationLayer.getType()
must return a layer type identifier that was produced by the given layer support. -
generateTypes(TypeSystemDescription, AnnotationLayer)
to generate the UIMA type system for the given annotation layer. This is a partial type system which is merged by the application with the type systems produced by other layer supports as well as with the base type system of the application itself (i.e. the DKPro Core type system and the internal types). -
to return an early-stage renderer for the annotations on the given layer.
The concept of layers is not yet fully modularized. Many parts of the application will only know how to deal with specific types of layers. Adding a new layer type should not crash the application, but it may also not necessarily be possible to actually use the new layer. In particular, changes to the TSV format may be required to support new layer types. |
Span layer
A span layer allows to create annotations over spans of text.
If attachType
is set, then an annotation can only be created over the same span on which an
annotation of the specified type also exists. For span layers, setting attachFeature
is mandatory
if a attachType
is defined. The attachFeature
indicates the feature on the annotation of the
layer which is to be set to the newly created annotation.
For example, the Lemma
layer has the attachType
set to Token
and the attachFeature
set to
. This means, that a new lemma annotation can only be created where a token already exists
and that the lemma
feature of the token will point to the newly created lemma annotation.
Deleting an annotation that has other annotations attached to it will also cause the attached annotations to be deleted.
This case is currently not implemented because it is currently not allowed to
create spans that attach to other spans. The only span type for which this is relevant
is the Token type which cannot be deleted.
Relation layer
A relation layer allows to draw arcs between span annotations. The attachType
is mandatory for
relation types and specifies which type of annotations arcs can be drawn between.
Arcs can only be drawn between annotations of the same layer. It is not possible to draw an arc between two spans of different layers.
Only a single relation layer can attach to any given span layer.
If the annotation_feature
is set, then the arc is not drawn between annotations of the layer
indicated by annotation_type
, but between annotations of the type specified by the feature. E.g.
for a dependency relation layer, annotation_type
would be set to Token
and annotation_feature
to pos
. The Token
type has no visual representation in the UI. However, the pos
feature points
to a POS
annotation, which is rendered and between which the dependency relation arcs are then
Deleting an annotation that is the endpoint of a relation will also delete the relation. In the case
that annotation_feature
, this is also the case if the annotation pointed to is deleted. E.g. if
a POS annotation in the above example is deleted, then the attaching relation annotations are also
The features mechanism allows supporting different types of annotation features, e.g. string features, numeric features, boolean features, link features, etc. It consists of the following classes and interfaces:
interface provides the API for implementing feature types. -
interface and its default implementationFeatureSupportRegistryImpl
serve as an access point to the different supported feature types. -
class which represents a short summary of a supported feature type. It is used when selecting the type of a feature in the UI. -
interface provides methods to create, manipulate or delete annotations on the given type of layer.
To add support for a new type of feature, create a Spring component class which implements the
interface. Note that a single featre support class can handle multiple feature types.
However, it is generally recommended to implement a separate layer support for every feature type.
Implement the following methods:
to return a unique identifier for the new feature type. Typically the Spring bean name is returned here. -
to return a list of all the supported feature types handled by the new feature support. This values returned here are used to populate the feature type choice when creating a new feature in the project settings. -
to returntrue
for any annotation layer that is handled by the new layer support. I.e.AnnotationLayer.getType()
must return a layer type identifier that was produced by the given layer support. -
generateFeature(TypeSystemDescription, TypeDescription, AnnotationFeature)
add the UIMA feature definition for the given annotation feature to the given type.
If the new feature has special configuration settings, then implement the following methods:
to extract the special settings form the given annotation feature definition. It is expected that the traits are stored as a JSON string in thetraits
field ofAnnotationFeature
. If thetraits
field isnull
, a new traits object must be returned. -
writeTraits(AnnotationFeature, T)
to encode the layer-specific traits object into a JSON string and store it in thetraits
field ofAnnotationFeature
. -
createTraitsEditor(String, IModel<AnnotationFeature>
to create a custom UI for the special feature settings. This UI is shown below the standard settings in the feature detail editor on the Layers tab of the project settings.
The layers mechanism allows supporting different types of annotation layers, e.g. span layers, relation layers or chain layers. It consists of the following classes and interfaces:
interface provides the API for implementing layer types. -
interface and its default implementationLayerSupportRegistryImpl
serve as an access point to the different supported layer types. -
class which represents a short summary of a supported layer type. It is used when selecting the type of a feature in the UI. -
interface provides methods to create, manipulate or delete annotations on the given type of layer.
To add support for a new type of layer, create a Spring component class which implements the
interface. Note that a single layer support class can handle multiple layer types.
However, it is generally recommended to implement a separate layer support for every layer type.
Implement the following methods:
to return a unique identifier for the new layer type. Typically the Spring bean name is returned here. -
to return a list of all the supported layer types handled by the new layer support. This values returned here are used to populate the layer type choice when creating a new layer in the project settings. -
to returntrue
for any annotation layer that is handled by the new layer support. I.e.AnnotationLayer.getType()
must return a layer type identifier that was produced by the given layer support. -
generateTypes(TypeSystemDescription, AnnotationLayer)
to generate the UIMA type system for the given annotation layer. This is a partial type system which is merged by the application with the type systems produced by other layer supports as well as with the base type system of the application itself (i.e. the DKPro Core type system and the internal types). -
to return an early-stage renderer for the annotations on the given layer.
The concept of layers is not yet fully modularized. Many parts of the application will only know how to deal with specific types of layers. Adding a new layer type should not crash the application, but it may also not necessarily be possible to actually use the new layer. In particular, changes to the TSV format may be required to support new layer types. |
Layers Behaviors
Layer behaviors allow to customize the way a layer of a particular span behaves, e.g. whether
a span is allowed to cross sentence boundaries, whether it anchors to characters or tokens,
whether the tree of relations among annotations is valid, etc.
The layer behaviors tie in with the specific LayerSupport
implementations. The mechanism itself
consists of the following classes and interfaces:
interface provides the API necessary for registering new behaviors. There are abstract classes such asSpanLayerBehavior
which provide the APIs for behaviors of specific layer types. -
and its default implementationLayerBehaviorRegistryImpl
serve as an access point to the different supported layer behaviors. Any Spring component implementing theLayerBehavior
interface is loaded, and will be named in the logs when the web app is launched. The classpath scanning used to locate Spring beans is limited to specific Java packages, e.g. any packages starting withde.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno
A layer behavior may have any of the following responsibilities:
Ensure that new annotations that are created conform with the behavior. This is done via the
method. If the annotation to be created does not conform with the behavior, the method can cancel the creation of the annotation by throwing anAnnotationException
. -
Highlight annotations not conforming with the behavior. This is relevant when importing pre-annotated files or when changing the behavior configuration of an existing layer. The relevant method is
. If an annotation does not conform with the behavior, a error marker should be added for problematic annotation. This is done by creating aVComment
which attaches an error message to a specified visual element, then adding that to the repsonseVDocument
. Note thatonRender
is unlikeonCreate
in that it only has indirect access to the CAS: it is passed a mapping fromAnnotationFS
instances to their corresponding visual elements, and can use.getCAS()
on the FS. The annotation layer can be identified from the visual element with.getLayer().getName()
. -
Ensure that documents being marked as finished conform with the behavior. This is done via the
method, which returns a list ofLogMessage, AnnotationFS
pairs to report errors associated with each FS.
Annotation Editor
Typically, an annotation editor only shows a a part of a document on screen to allow working with
large files without running into performance problems during rendering.
The paging strategy defines how a document is divided into the units (e.g. lines, sentences,
paragraphs, pages, etc.) from which the visible part of the document is constructed. The AnnotationEditorFactory.initState()
method is intended to set up the editor state to be compatible
with the editor. In particular, it is the place where the editor can inject its paging strategy.
Contrary to many other modularized parts of the code, paging strategies are not Spring beans but
simple stateless and serializable Java classes.
There are presently two paging strategies:
- divides the document into sentences using theSentence
annotations present in the CAS. -
- divides the document into lines considering using the newline character (LF, dec: 10, hex: 0A) as a line separator.
A PagingStrategy
has to implement three methods:
List<Unit> units(CAS, n, m)
to extract units n through m from the given CAS. If the value provided for m is greater than the number of units in the document, the returned list simply contains the maximum available units. If n is greater than the number of available units, an empty list is returned. -
creates a UI element displaying the current position within the document as well as which document is currently opened. -
creates a UI element to navigate through the pages. For most cases, the providedDefaultPagingNavigator
should be fine. -
fetches the number of units in the given CAS. It is usually faster to provide a special implementation for this method than to rely on the default implementation which resorts to callingunits(…).size()
If an annotation editor needs access to the visible units (e.g. to split spans overlapping units
into multiple ranges), it can call AnnotatorState.getVisibleUnits()